Saturday, October 1, 2011

it's been some time...

but time affords a lot of consideration, reflection and insight
THAT being said... my A race in sprints was Eagle in the Sun Sept. 4 for results. It was a day I felt like Lance-seriously!- pool swim was not seeded well but that gives me something to chase right? on the bike, wow what a feeling of power, speed, flow as yes grasshoppa- I did this w/out any garmin on my wrist, just a start watch I didn't look at- goal was to push the limits, to go to edge of sustainability, well... MAX OUT!!! goal #2 was to race the boys (of course) and goal #3 was to try to get under run was awesome too- clouds came through, some wind to keep me cool and darn it! you can't beat a flat flat course (mi especiality!) I raised my arms to 1st female OA again, improving last yrs time by-yes! 4mins and some...but best of all was that I was in that supreme state of flow the entire time :) BUT, invariably the wave comes in...
my best friend here in El Paso, way back from when I first started racing around the World, my training partner, travel buddy, Team USA compadre was dying of ALS in Dallas, Tx. It was her time now, she had fought an incredible 3yr battle with this horrid disease, she lived VIBRANTLY, she raced with COURAGE, she fought back with her Run Proud for Dessert 5k's, she sought every treatment and experimental treatment to the ends of the earth (Greece). Diane Proud suffered from Bulbar ALS that affects the face, chest and then progresses downward, inward. The evil thing is, your brain is FINE! you know what's happening to you yet you have no control. I last saw DP in El Paso as she received the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame Induction-WOW!!! that was April. Now I got word that she had slipped into a coma, found not breathing for who knows how long, at hospital, 4 days from her birthday, 2 days after the last RPfD 5k. Via Con Dios Diane love, the McElroys
well- chapter 3: going forward as they say in the pro work market (and I hate that saying) but I must forge forward, last race of the season: Elephant Man Triathlon Oly distance Sept. 25th on the radar as last race of the season. Life is going well, boy children have assimilated well into public school, my tri-coaching is going very well, already have made the All American list for USAT triathlon again, work-eh- I miss DuWorlds on this wknd-bobby and V go in my sted, LauraB, my other training bud doesn't do EMOly this yr so I fly solo as la familia is tied up back home. Racing for Diane, racing to find myself again- lovely day dawns on ElephantButte Lake-great water, great weather, tired legs and a 5th OA finish, 1st AG finish for the year-what that means friends is from now on, I will race but you won't recognize my name in the results-heh heh heh until 2012.
Yes, IMMoo is on the schedule courtesy of my good friend and she was an instant friend, Jessica Jacobs who won OA 2011 and in honor of Diane Proud, multi Ironman distance racer. I know I swore I'd never do one of these crazy races but here goes!

1 comment:

Podium quest said...

greast race report. Cant wait to see what u will do in 2012!