Sunday, January 6, 2008

SNAP! another weekend gone by... I got to ride with my group today since it was 50* to start- it was warm and WINDY and, of course, they all were riding at 22 mph to start- ugh- boys... into the wind coming home they were all on my tail- good ole aero position fairs much better. I also never fight the wind, just ride (flow and all) I can't wait to see the #'s off of Had a great conversation with one of my riding bro's- he's into lots of the theology/psychology/art of being that I am- he vacationed in Hawaii over the holiday, met with his guru and read a great book; Eat, Pray, Love. We had to high-5 on that one as I'm reading it currently and love the author. I then turned him on to Dan Millman and website that started all of this for me- I love it when I encounter "coincidence" because it's not that at all!
I did a powerwalk for 4 miles with the husband this eve.-he's trying hard to get back in shape and I'll be there to help him. He was the one that got me running and biking long ago (1983).

Yesterday was really great too; got my 8 miler in, my horse got her workout and then we skated in the eve.- I love ice skating... I used to be a figure skater of no repute- now i have hockey skates and have discovered my bad boy side :) I had 3 boy's and husband last night so " if ya can't beat em? out-skate em!" just hook in the i-pod.

Take away thought: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it (Charles Swindoll)

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