I have friends who blog and I love it! get with it girl! I tell myself... I've been a long time on the range- but back to it*sharp pointy thing* lets see; catch up drill: work life still is challenging and I so hate Mondays/why do Mondays always seem to be a heap that slaps you upside the head after a lovely weekend? personally, kids are out of school and doing the good ole nuthin and I feel like bad mom for not having their every minute planned out but I came out ok from sittin on my tush either in the sun for 4 hrs at the lake or in front of the boobtube watching General Hospital et al... my athletic life? I've been BUSTIN IT! friends- turned 46 and the clock is ticking now on best performances so I'm out there racing anything and everything so, from here going foreward!!!! Work? I take a lick and keep on ticking unless the watch blows at the wrong button push- Personal? Kids will be kids and LOVE the take it easy approach because guess what? I'm the magician when it's time to pull them out of "I'm bored mom"-nothing like some sprints in the work pool with the workforce and my kids to tune EVERYONE up! lol
Athletic endevours? on to 70.3 Buffalo Springs even with record heat and drought because I told my bestest bestie Cherie-( my Mimi) AND my fellow bestest "Sista" Laura B. that I would follow them and lead them through the valley of what makes this race argueably the most cruel 70.3 in the US. keep the faith Meems and LB *heart*
we shall all flow along...